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"A truly remarkable show."

The Baptist Times

It is Well with My Soul

A New Musical


Theatre Scotland


"Poignant, elegant
and deeply moving."




"It is Well with My Soul" is one of the most beloved hymns of all time, with words by Horatio Spafford and music by Philip Bliss. This new musical tells the story of Philip and his wife, Lucy, how at the end of the American Civil War, they end up moving to the growing metropolis of Chicago, Illinois, to make a new life for themselves. It is there they meet lawyer Horatio Spafford and his wife Anna, producer and publisher George Root, and preacher and philanthropist D L Moody. As Philip begins to gain prominence as a soloist and hymn-writer, temptation begins to creep in: how will Philip handle the temptations that come with his new life? And how will the Blisses handle the tragic circumstances of the Great Chicago Fire and the loss of the Spafford girls in the sinking of the Ville du Havre? "It is Well with My Soul" invites you to explore the Gospel message of hope, like an anchor for the soul.

In the storms of life, is it well with your soul? Book your tickets to see this exciting new theatrical production and explore this enduring message of true and steadfast faith in the midst of tragedy and suffering.

Suitable for everyone aged 7+.


As featured on 

Upcoming shows
Spring 2025 Tour
Cast and Creatives
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Adam Stone
Philip Bliss

Katrina Markham
Lucy Bliss

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David Lister
Horatio Spafford

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Joy-Anna Gooch
Anna Spafford/
Clara Young

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Mike Pinkerton
George Root

Rob Holman
Ira Sankey/
Walter Guest

Josh Rettie
Ira Sankey/
Walter Guest

Gareth Hides
D L Moody

Lizzie Tatton
Standby Clara Young/Anna Spafford

Producer - Handiwork Productions Limited
Book, Music and Lyrics - Gareth Hides
​Original Direction - David Robinson and Beck Rodda

Original Production - Kerygma 180

Original Hymns - Philip Bliss
Lyrics for "It is Well with My Soul" - Horatio Spafford
Musical Supervisor - Mark Baker
String Orchestrations - Dominic Ryland-Jones
​Song Production, Mixing and Mastering - Samuel Green
​Choreographer - Shelley Dring
​BSL Interpreter - Sarah Hides
Graphic Designer - Agota Rencsenyi
​Artwork - Katie Binnema
​Technical Consultant and Sound Design - Adam Waller

Lighting Designer - Femi Amusan
Technical Support - Big Door Broadcast

Sound Technician - Joshua Mroczynski

​Marketing Consultant - Lola Ortiz
PR - Rhoda Hardie

Social Media - Joy-Anna Gooch

Production Photographer - Stuart Leeds
​Costume Consultant - Jonathan Mroczynski
​Lucy's Bustle Skirt made by Elizabeth Hindse

Paper Props Design - Agota Rencsenyi

For Handiwork Productions Limited:

Artistic Director - Gareth Hides

Executive Director - Sarah Hides


Curtain call in Witney, Oxfordshire (June 2023)

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Moody and Sankey facing the Edinburgh Press in Dudley (June 2023)

At the 150th Anniversary Performance of the sinking of the Ville du Havre (22nd November 2023) in Ealing, West London


Sell-out show at the Chelsea Theatre (June 2023)


Let the Lower Lights Be Burning (Credit: Katie Binnema)

The Music

The Original Cast Recording is available to stream on all major online platforms. Featuring thirteen songs from the musical, this album includes the classic hymns "It is Well with My Soul" and "Let the Lower Lights Be Burning"; as well as original songs "I've Seen the Light", "The Fire", "This Beautiful Man", "San Francisco" and "Peace with God."



Apple Music

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